Your product has been just fantastic at helping to control my acne.
My skin condition began as rosacea but over time has become more like acne which develops as a tender spot on my face first, and if I don't get to it with the Acne Limited III right away, degrades to a large, painful pustule with pus. It often occurs as three pustules. At that point it just has to run it's course unfortunately.
I've been following your program for the past five years: washing my face with Cetaphil gentle cleansing soap, applying the LTD III at the first sign of a problem, drinking plenty of water and I've switched to the linear razor reccommended by you. The program works.
I seem to notice outbreaks when I go through periods of high sugar intake and juice (limeade). I can't behave myself all the time.
But that's my story. Thank you very much for a product that actually does what's promised. It's why I've been a faithful user (and cheerleader) for the past five years......David