Many of the more commonly accepted products used to treat acne can actually cause further damage to the skin resulting in other skin conditions such as rosacea. These products are frequently used to open the pores (exfolients, various acid-based products, and retinoids) but can be very drying and irritating to the skin.
Many products when applied to the skin alter the balance of the skin making it susceptible to bacterial growth and infection. Upsetting the skin's natural balance can lead to yeast infections, perioral dermatitis, over production of sebacceous oils, and possibly worsening of the acne condition.
Controlling these conditions and the factors that cause and further irritate them is important in the management of acne and/or rosacea. Factors which can play a role in this include but are not limited to: glycolic-based ingredients frequently found in foundation, anti-wrinkle creams and moisturizers, cleansers containing salicylic acid, alcohol, or benzyol peroxide. If it has the ability to dry or exfoliate, it can alter the natural balance of the skin. Once this balance is disturbed; the skin reacts with pimples, papules, redness, itching, flaking and/or increased sensitivity.
To restore balance to the skin and promote healing of the skin the cycle of irritation and sensitivity has to be broken. One way this can be achieved is to restore the minerals to the skin which have been depleted to allow for natural healing to occur. These minerals include but are not limited to zinc which is well known for its ability to reduce redness, aid in the production and healing of the skin and skin cells, and sulfur which has been used historically for its healing properties.
Among the many zinc based products on the market today, we have found very few that address the issue of acne without further aggravating the existing rosacea condition or as in the case of some products resulting in damage to the skin leading to rosacea. Among the few products on the market today which address these issues without further damaging the skin include acne-ltd.